Wednesday, March 31, 2010

End to all your shard problems

Seriously, I get a bit ticked off when people complain about shards. Even on extended wipe nights, it's entirely possible to maintain at or near a full bag of shards all night long.

How? It's an amazing secret called Drain Soul. As soon as a wipe is inevitable (somebody critical dies and can't be/won't be rezed) start draining, especially if you're going to "just go with it," you'll get plenty of time to refill. Drain soul averages over 1 shard per full channel, the glyph procs off of tick shards and not just death shards now, and the proc rate is a lot less terrible than it used to be.

If you can get 2 shards per wipe, assuming you're using 4 per attempt (pet, soulwell, soulstone, shatter), you can go twice as many attempts before running out. If you can average 3 per attempt, you'll almost be able to outlast the 40 attempt limit.

Other do's and don't's to help you out in the break.

  • DO come to raid with a full goddamn bag.
  • DO destroy your spell or firestone (both if you'll be changing specs at some point) and make new ones before filling your bag. 5 charges will last you through a typical 4-5 hour raid with 0 shards required in the field.
  • DO make a soulstone and summon your pet before filling up. It only saves one shard, but you're the one complaining, not me.
  • DON'T DPS trash if you're not at full bag. Trash DPS is srs bsns and you can get tons of shards even on small pulls. I can get around 10-15 just on the two Val'kyrs that respawn around the LK teleporter. Any of the three wings I can potentially get a full bag out of, excepting trash before Valithria which doesn't respawn. Valithria adds give shards.
  • DO know what does and doesn't give shards. Ninja off a drain soul on the last 1% of non-urgent adds on Valithria for free shards as you go. Not all boss adds give shards, and of course some, like blood beasts, are too DPS urgent to risk draining.
Now, here's a fun fact: I don't do ANY of the do's in this do/don't list. I come with 1 charge left on my soulstone, 7 shards in my bag and no pet summoned, and jump ass backwards into Heroic Sindragosa or Putricide wipe nights, and I have no shard problems, ever. If you drain on trash and during wipes, you can easily get enough shards to keep going for progression content.

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