Sunday, March 28, 2010

Life Tap hotfix

Warlock’s using a lower rank of Life Tap will receive a reduced benefit from their shadow spell power.

 Pretty simple one, just adding the downranking penalty that most damage and healing spells have, I was kind of surprised this wasn't in out of the gate.

The thing to remember here, this doesn't penalize low level players. Downranking penalties only kick in on a spell rank 11 levels after you can first train it, at which point your spellpower is multiplied by (spell level+11)/caster level for that spell. A low level warlock will always have full scaling on his current top rank of life tap, but a level 80 warlock will only have full scaling on rank 8. Rank 7 will have an extra (68+11)/80=0.9875 spellpower multiplier, and down hill from there. Rank 1, which was getting full scaling before the hotfix, will have a 0.2125 spellpower multiplier.

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