Wednesday, April 7, 2010

More followup blue posts

  • They haven't ruled out adding a new demon, but Blizzard is of like mind with me: So long as our current pets are having trouble etching out their place in the grand scheme, adding another is likely to exacerbate that problem.
  • Infernal and Doomguard are still on the table as DPS cooldowns, and any new pet is far more likely to be the same and not a permanent pet.
  • Hellfire is being retooled as a demonology specialty, and rain of fire is being targeted at the destruction crowd. I hate to suggest it, but I expect this means a nerf to seed of corruption in some respect - it's a very powerful AOE. Hopefully it doesn't come to that, but...
  • Succubus Whiplash isn't a point blank knockback but a target circle. A bit less easy to fire off, but no less fun for the all the reasons knockbacks are awesome.
  • Shard regen/recovery isn't off the table, but not on the immediate list.
  • Flying mount is still on the wish list but don't hold your breath.

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