Thursday, April 8, 2010

Shaman Q&A gives hint of Demonic Pact's future

Q: Does the 10% spell power buff from Elemental scale with the shaman or the target’s spell power?
A: It will scale with the target the same as Demonic Pact and other buffs that bring the same benefit.
The question was given with little context and no elaboration, but this is roughly what I expected would happen several patches ago when Demonic Pact started far outpacing Totem of Wrath. The answer suggests that both spellpower buffs will become like Trueshot Aura and increase based on the recipient's spellpower, not the caster's.

That is pretty much the best viable option for the two buffs anyway. Scaling ToW to the shaman's spellpower will still leave it in the dust behind Demonic Pact since warlocks in general and demo locks especially have inflated spellpower.

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