Thursday, April 8, 2010

Warlock Q&A sortakinda

We do like the idea of allowing warlocks to re-skin their demons and have been talking about possible ways to implement this. I have no concrete information for you at this time beyond that.
 Good news for those (all) of us who'd like to see some variation or selection in the pet department.
When it comes to naming demons, this has always been one of those sacred cows, where the hunter gets to name their pet because he loves his pet bear, but the warlock considers the demon to be something disposable -- a tool.
Not unexpected, and I really don't want to see the option anyway. I don't mind Blizzard basically admitting it's a sacred cow and staying just because, but there's still strong arguments. In a number of fantasy works and even traditional folklore, treating with a demon or spirit requires finding and invoking it's True Name. Using any other name would break the enslavement.
For Soul Shard bags, we will probably do something like remove all the shards, reduce the bag size (a little) and convert it to a normal bag. This would be a one-time conversion. We'll probably get rid of the recipes, as we wouldn't want other classes to go out and get shard bags just to get a free bag.
Again as I expected, but I don't see any reason to remove the patterns. They're not free by any means, the materials on them are generally higher than equivalent normal bags. Unless that is to say warlocks will be getting free 24 slot bags, thus saving me 3000g on a fourth Portable Hole. Ah, we can hope, can't we?

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